Tuesday, December 9, 2008

A Polish Winter - first posting

This is the first posting on this blog about the making of the short 3D animated film "A Polish Winter".

About the film:
A Polish Winter is a short film about the murder of children in Nazi extermination camps in Poland during World War II.
The movie is more poetic rather than graphic as we aim to meld visuals and sounds to convey the sense of hopelessness and loss forced upon hundreds of thousands of children during the massacres of both Jewish and non-Jewish children during the most evil moment in world history.

The filmmakers:

Co-directors Shane Sheils and Paula Sheils are behind such films as The Darkside, To Shoot a Rurf, Opera B, Night Falls and more recently Mr. Humpfninkel's Sales Technique.
Shane handles animation and 3D modeling work, while they both share editing, writing, sound design, music composing duties.

Software Used on film:
Open Source and freeware software form the basis of the production pipeline on almost every Dwarfed Films picture.
For modeling,animation and compositing Blender 3D is the programme of choice.

Keep updated with the making of A Polish Winter by visiting this blog or else Dwarfed Films homepage

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